We welcome submissions of poems during our two open reading periods: November 1 - January 1 and March 1 - May 1.

Given the high volume of submissions Radar happily receives, we can only read non-fee submissions at the beginning of each reading period. Please submit early to take advantage of this opportunity. 

Once the free submission cap is reached, we will continue to accept $3.00 “Tip Jar” submissions for the remainder of the reading period.

Enhanced Feedback Option

For a fee of $25, you may request up to one page of feedback from the editors on your 3-5 poem submission, which will include notes on craft, content, and tone, as well as suggested revisions

Please note: We reserve the right to close our general submission categories early if we reach a certain number of submissions, in order to give each submission the time and consideration it deserves. 

We do not consider AI-generated poetry.

Response Times

We respond within 60 days, and often sooner.


We will be open to Coniston Prize submissions from June 1 - August 1. Full guidelines at www.radarpoetry.com/contest.


Radar Poetry accepts original submissions of visual art in any medium during our two reading periods, March 1-May 1 and November 1-January 1.  

Submit up to 20 images, in .jpg format, with at least 300 dpi/ppi resolution. Within your submission, include a brief bio and a link to your website and/or social media. We only consider artwork that has not previously been published in a literary magazine. 

Radar promotes and celebrates the artists we publish on social media.


The Satellite Lecture Series, hosted by the editors of Radar Poetry, features presentations on various topics with comprehensive Q&A sessions. Our Zoom lectures are interactive and designed to build community among poets and artists. Registration will be open via Submittable for upcoming lectures.

Ends on

Radar Poetry accepts original submissions of visual art in any medium through Submittable. Submit up to 20 images, in .jpg format, with at least 300 dpi/ppi resolution. Within your submission, include a brief bio and a link to your website and/or social media. We only consider artwork that has not previously been published in a literary magazine. Radar promotes and celebrates the artists we publish on social media.


Set Your Intentions: How to Create a Writing Ritual

Sunday, March 30, 2025 from 3:30PM - 5:30PM ET (via Zoom)

Join us for a virtual lecture led by Rachel Marie Patterson and Dara-Lyn Shrager, editors of Radar Poetry. We’ll discuss how working poets establish a regular writing practice and share our favorite techniques for jump-starting a creative routine. We’ll cover everything from organizing a writing calendar, to using poetry prompts, to forging literary friendships, to building your personal library. Comprehensive Q & A to follow.

$20 early bird rate available until 3/15/25.

Ends on $3.00

Before submitting, we suggest that you read our previous issues to get a sense of our aesthetic.

Submit up to 3 unpublished poems in a single document. Please send no more than 3 poems.

Include a cover letter and a brief bio in the comments box. However, please ensure that there is no identifying information on the poems themselves and that your name is not included in the file title.

We welcome simultaneous submissions as long as you notify us. For partial withdrawals, simply add a note to your entry on Submittable. No multiple submissions, please.

Please note: Once your poems have been submitted, we do not accept revisions/edits while your work is under review.

We respond within 60 days, and often much sooner. After 60 days have passed, you may query us by email or send a message in Submittable to check the status of your submission. 

You may wish to track your submission on Duotrope.

We do not consider AI-generated poems.

We look forward to reading your work!

Ends on $25.00

For an additional fee of $25, you may request up to one page of feedback from the editors on a group of 3 poems. Feedback will include notes on craft, content, and tone, as well as suggested revisions. 

All poems are considered for publication. 

General Guidelines:

Before submitting, we suggest that you read our previous issues to get a sense of our aesthetic.

Include a cover letter and a brief bio in the comments box. However, please ensure that there is no identifying information on the poems themselves and that your name is not included in the file title.

We welcome simultaneous submissions as long as you notify us. For partial withdrawals, simply add a note to your entry on Submittable. No multiple submissions, please.

Please note: Once your poems have been submitted, we do not accept revisions/edits while your work is under review.

We respond within 60 days, and often much sooner. After 60 days have passed, you may query us by email or send a message in Submittable to check the status of your submission. 

You may wish to track your submission on Duotrope.

We do not consider AI-generated poems.

We look forward to reading your work!

Radar Poetry